Sunday, March 20, 2016

Author TJ WEST Spotlight

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 
Over two years ago, I began my journey as a writer. I have always loved writing, but fell out of it after I had my kids. What made me start a book is when a friend of mine and I were discussing it. The idea churned inside my head, and things started happening.
2. How long does it take you to write a book?
I don’t pinpoint on how long it takes me. The average is about 2-3 months, if I’m on a certain deadline, or if the ideas keep coming.
3. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I don’t really have a schedule haha. But I do try to treat it as a job. I write as much as I can (without getting distracted from FB, and doing house chores) until my kids get home from school. On the weekends I don’t really write. I might, but not all the time. I try to limit it for the weekdays, only.
4. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I’d say it would be...when I start a new chapter, I outline it with only the dialogue. Once that’s all done, I go in for the kill and fill in the blanks with the meat. Having all the dialogue down first, it helps me process the situation better, and allows me to develop the story easier. While I was writing my second book - Purple Rain - a friend of mine suggested that idea to me, and ever since then, I’ve been writing that way. It has really helped me.
5. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? 
Honestly, every crazy idea comes from my head or experiences that have happened to me in my life. Of course there are people/models that have influenced a story, but all in all, the ideas just come to me. I could be laying in bed, ready to fall asleep when a new series will come to mind. It has happened - recently in fact. LOL. And it drives me bonkers because I’m already overloaded with stories, that another series is cray cray. Can’t help it. That’s how my mind works.
6. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first book in high school, during my senior year (17-18yrs old). It was a historian romance. When I look back at the book, I find it ridiculously funny. First, I did not write in first person, yet wrote in third. I don’t write like that anymore, because I get more feeling from first person, I get to express myself better, if that makes any sense. Second, the way I told a story was so melodramatic - kind of like November Rain. A lot of people love that story, but it’s a little cheesy.
7. What do you like to do when you're not writing? 
I’m a TV whore - guru. Yep, I can make a list of shows for you, if you’re interested in something new to watch? Haha. I also love spending time with my family, going to the movies, having cocktail nights with friends. Things like that. I’m very simple and a homebody.
8. What does your family think of your writing? 
They’re all still kind of fascinated, actually. I don’t really feel comfortable when a member asks me, “Are you selling a lot of books?” Weird questions like that make me uncomfortable. I don’t generally like to talk about my books with certain family members just because they ask weird questions. And me writing for adults only escalates those questions - like they cannot believe I write stuff with sex in it. It’s like shocking for them or something. It’s just weird, hahaha.
My mom doesn’t approve of my genre, so for her I am planning on writing a contemporary romance story with no bad language and limited use of sex. *sigh* wink emoticon
9. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
How much money I have spent on them.. LOL No joke. Some people make their own covers or get stock photos. I use a photographer, I have a designer, format designer, but thankfully I have a good friend who helps edit. It’s just a lot of $$$ and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pay myself back with my royalties because, unfortunately, sales are not going well. You’d have to be a USA bestseller in order to get those royalties. So yeah, spending a lot of money on my books really surprised me.
10. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have written and published 7 books, and writing my 8th as we speak. I cannot choose a favorite. Every book I write is my favorite at the moment. Each book means something different to me, because the characters have different stories.
11. Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they? 
What has really helped me become a better writer is reading. I read a lot of books and see different techniques, grammar, punctuations. I truly believe we learn through reading. Every book that I have written I have improved.
In the beginning of my journey, especially through my first book, I hadn’t really founded my voice yet - my writing style. It took quite a few books to get to that realization on who I was as a writer, what my style was, what my voice was. The more you write, the more you’ll improve. Keep reading books. Get the feel of someone else’s voice, to find your own. Does that make any sense at all? Probably not. LOL.

12. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I do hear from my readers on occasion. A lot of them are in my readers group. They compliment on my writing, my books all the time. I love their energy, their enthusiasm. It makes me feel amazing. They are always telling me how much they love my books, my stories. It doesn’t get any better than that.
13. Do you like creating books that are for adults? Or do you write more than adult books? 
I really do love writing for adults. I like to get my mouth dirty and grungy, so at the end of the day I need to wash it out with soap. LOL. I live through my characters. What they say may not be exactly what I would say as myself. I only hear what they would say or do in their story, so it needs to be written down. It wouldn’t be a story if it weren’t that way. It’s what makes this all so much fun. I can be another person and say outrageous, dirty things that I normally wouldn’t say to a family member hahaha.
Like I have mentioned in one of the other questions above, I am planning on writing a standalone for the readers who don’t quite like the taste of bad language or descriptive sex scenes. My mom, for example, will not have anything to do with my adult, erotic stories. So for her, I want to make a clean novel just for her, because I know she really wants to see what I am capable of as a writer.
14. What do you think makes a good story? 
I am a very simple writer. I don’t use big words that someone has to look up on Google to get the definition. That’s just not who I am. I’m not quite sure what makes a good story. Maybe a story that has emotion, drama, sex...not too much sex, unless it’s necessary. Like in My Melody there was a lot of sex, but these two characters had to have that in their story. Also, an easy, meaningful topic. Really? I wish I had the words to tell you what makes a good story. I don’t though. I’d hope the readers would enjoy what I put down for them, in hopes they’ll continue reading my books.
15. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be many things - a singer, actress, artist (painter, I loved to draw), teacher. But at the end of the day, being a stay at home mom was all I ever wanted to be. Strange right? I got my wish. Sounds sad, but I never saw myself as someone important, or someone with a high paying job. I wanted to have kids. I have my 2 kids now, but they’re both in high school, growing up. Writing came out of nowhere, and I seriously have enjoyed every book I have written, even though it’s cost me tons of $$$$. It’s been a great adventure.
Stay at home mom who got inspired by Indie Authors, self publishing. I've always liked to write and have always had an over active imagination. I wrote a book in High School and re-wrote it for about 20 years and was never satisfied with it. It still sits on my computer today.
I love reading. It's another passion of mine.
I've been very active with my kids education. I've been a part of PTA for many many years and have always volunteered. That has been a joy for me, being there for my kids. Now they are getting older and I have time to write. I'm enjoying this process very much and hope to continue and be successful. Wish me luck!
Stalk her:


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